What vitamins should I take while on the veggie fruit and tuna diet?


New member
I plan on eating lots of fruits, veggies, tuna, boneless skinless chicken breast, and boiled eggs. Possibly whole wheat bread too. I can't bring myself to drink plain water regularly, so I will be drinking propel water or juice most of the time (unless you have a healthier suggestion). So, my question is what vitamins would I be missing out on with this diet? Any suggestions on a multivitamin or anything of the sort? Also, any suggestions on the best types of fruit and veggies to eat would be awesome. Thank you!


New member
Hello Joanna!If you are eating all kind of fruits and veggies you wont have to eat any extra vitamins. But I think you should eat at least 500 of Kcal of carbohydrate every day to keep your muscles. Proteins is not enough for keeping and building muscles.

LaDy In ReD

New member
I think for women, a multi-vitamin designed specifically for women (ex. One-a-day's Women) is best. I currently take a generic women's multi-vitamin, and every since I have started taken it, I feel much better mentally. If you are trying to lose weight, check out this http://ifinallydidit.wordpress.com/. I lost 40lbs. It really does help me not overeat. It's awesome, and I don't think I woulda been able to lose 40lbs of grossness without it. Good luck to you! :)