pri b

New member
I just got a new maltese pup and im trying to potty train her and my 12 month son got into her poop some how... I dont even know how he found it ,...Ive been trying to be so careful. Now its been 3 days and he has diarrihea...He is also teething like crazy (he has 8 teeth already) so I dont know if that is it.Does anyone have advice...? If he doesnt get better by tomarrow...Im taking him to the doctor
be a better parentand feed you kid better food than thati hope CPS does not find out what you feed your kid!!!
Infants and toddlers are always putting things in their mouths and that's why you need to really be on your toes. I would have called the doctor immediately, when I discovered what he had eaten. You can't be too careful when it comes to little ones!!
call the doctor right away . teething causing diarhea is a myth . call to be sure what to do or what to look for
"got into her poop?""don't know how he found it?" sh*t just lies there. i have an 18 mo. old baby. i know how curious they can be. but i know for a fact, that if there is dog sh*t lying around, i'm going to be extra careful with my daughter. if i found out she had eaten a sh*t pie, i'd take her to the doctor stat! would you go to the doctor if you found out that a waiter at a restaurant just served you a piece of his cream pie. don't wait to take your kid to the doctor. and don't play dumb. take better care of your child around sh*t.
Did you know that just a single ounce of dog poo contains about 23 million microorganisms of bacteria, which is enough to cause sickness in humans? Germs carried by your pet poo can cause diarrhea, stomach cramps, nausea, dehydration, fever, or a cough. In some cases, parasites in pet poo can even cause vision loss or birth defects if a pregnant woman becomes infected.Also a typical tapeworm ( A Hydatid Worm) produces eggs that are passed with the dog's feces. When poo is eaten that person may become infected. Eggs hatch into Larvae and go into the persons blood forming Cysts in the persons tissue. Symptoms can include liver enlargement, hooklets in sputum and possible anaphylactic shock when the immune system reacts to ruptured cysts. A cyst can be diagnosed with ultrasound or MRIThis is treated with surgery, taking special care to leave the cyst intact so new cysts do not form, and medicine over a long period of time at low dosages.