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Baigan ka pakora (Fried Brinjal / Beguni ) is one of the most popular evening snacks of Bengal. It is very easy to prepare this at home. It takes about 20 mins to prepare this delicious crispy teatime snacks.


* 5-6 tablespoons of Besan (gram flour)
* 1/2 teaspoon turmeric powder
* 1/4 teaspoon garlic paste
* 2-3 green chili
* Vegetable oil
* Salt
* Black Salt Powder

Preparation time: 5 mins

Cooking time: 15 mins

Serves: 2


1. Put 5-6 tablespoons of Besan (gram flour) in a bowl then, add 1/2 teaspoon turmeric powder, 1/4 teaspoon garlic paste, 2-3 green chili, salt to taste and mix well.

2. Make a thick batter with the above ingredients and add water if batter is becoming too thick.

3. Cut the baigan (Brinjal) into two halves in a circular shape, then with one half again cut it into semicircle shape into a total of 8 pieces and wash them in running water.

4. Take a non- stick frying pan put 1 cup vegetable oil and heat it for 4 mins. Dip the baigan (Brinjal) pieces into the batter (step 2) and fry in medium heat until it becomes golden brown.

Garnish with sprinkles of Black Salt Powder. Baigan (Brinjal) ka pakora is ready to serve hot with coriander chutney or tomato sauce for evening snacks.