Easy Recipe Finder

Recipe Feeder
  • 5-6 tablespoon of besan (gram flour)
  • 1/4 teaspoon red chili powder,
  • 1/4 teaspoon turmeric powder
  • 2 medium size boiled potato
  • pinch of hing (Asafetida)
  • 1 teaspoon green chili paste
  • Chopped coriander leaves
  • Few drops of lime juice
  • Raw peanuts
  • Shredded coconut
  • 4 pieces of bun or hamburger bread
  • salt to taste
  • Vegetable Oil
Cooking Time: 20 mins
Preparation Time : 10 mins
Serves : 4

How to make Vada Pav

1. In a bowl put 5-6 tablespoon of besan (gram flour), 1/4 teaspoon red chili powder, 1/4 teaspoon turmeric powder, salt to taste and mix well make prepare not so thick batter and keep aside for 5 mins

2. Take 2 medium size potato cut it each into four equal parts and boil it with 1 cup of water in a micro oven for 8 mins. Remove the skin of the potato and mash it.

3. Take a non-stick frying pan heat 1 teaspoon of vegetable oil and put pinch of hing (Asafetida), 1 teaspoon green chili paste, salt to taste and mash potato mix well. Fry the mixture for 2 mins, then turn off the gas/burner.

4. Put few chopped coriander leaves and few drops of lime into the mixture (step 3) and mix well, then make medium size round shape balls.

5.In other frying pan put 1 cup of vegetable oil, then dip each round shape balls (step 4) into the batter (step 2) and fry till it become golden brown. Keep aside.

6. In a pan first roast raw peanuts, then shredded coconut and in a mixer grinder blend together both the ingredients into a coarse paste. Do not add water into the paste.

7. Take 4 pieces of bun or Hamburger bread and in one side put coriander chutney and in other side put tamarind chutney. In the middle of each pieces put peanuts and coconut paste (step 6).

8. Put the balls on the half piece of hamburger, then close it with other piece to form a Sandwich.

Vada Pav is ready to serve hot for evening snacks. You can add tomato sauce (optional).