Easy Recipe Finder

Recipe Feeder
1 whole Brie Cheese
1 sheet Puff Pastry
1 whole Egg -- beaten

Filling of your choice: cranberry chutney, some sliced cappacolla or Genoa salami, mushroom duxelles, some sautéed fennel or leek--whatever (except, maybe, peanut butter) Allow pastry to defrost and roll out a little to be able to completely wrap the Brie in it. Slice Brie in half or in thirds horizontally and put in desired filling. Place in center of pastry and cut off the four corners of the pastry a couple of inches down. You can use these pastry scraps to make decorations for on top. Completely wrap the pastry around the Brie, brushing with beaten egg whenever you put the pastry together. Flip the assembly over and place on parchment-lined baking sheet. Brush top with beaten egg and place on pastry cutouts and brush them with the egg too. Bake at 400F until pastry is golden brown and puffed like it's supposed to. Best if not cut into while it's too hot--or else all the cheese will run out. Serve with water crackers.
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