Easy Recipe Finder

Recipe Feeder
4 lb chicken meat
1 c butter - melted
1 c soy sauce
0.5 c vinegar - rice
2 bunches chives - chopped
2 oz sesame seed
Peanut Sauce:
2 Tbsp sesame oil
2 oz ginger - minced
2 clove garlic - minced
4 star anise
0.5 c soy sauce
0.5 can coco Lopez
2 c cream
20 oz peanut butter - unsalted
1 c peanuts - roasted, unsalted, crushed (optional)

=Cut chicken into 1 inch cubes, skewer and chill. Dip in butter mix, layer on sheetpan and sprinkle with sesame seeds and chives. Chill until ready to bake. Bake in 375F oven.

Peanut Sauce:
=Sweat 1. together, deglaze with soy, add coco Lopez & cream, reduce by 1/4. Strain, add peanut butter, cook 5 mins stirring constantly. Fold in peanuts if desired