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In this recipe, Chinese greens are prepared in a very simple way - stir-fried and served with soy sauce. The combination makes a very simple, quickly prepared, tasty accompaniment.

450 g/l lb Chinese greens
30 ml/2 tbsp peanut oil
15-30 ml/1-2 tbsp plum sauce
Serves 3-4
Trim the Chinese greens, removing any discoloured leaves and damaged stems. Tear into manageable pieces.
Heat a wok until hot, add the oil and swirl it around.
Add the Chinese greens and stir-fry for 2-3 minutes, until the greens have wilted a little.
Add the plum sauce and continue to stir-fry for a few seconds more, until the greens are cooked but still slightly crisp. Serve immediately.

You can replace the Chinese greens with Chinese flowering cabbage or Chinese broccoli, which is also known by its Cantonese name, Choi sam. It has green leaves and tiny yellow flowers, which are also eaten along with the leaves and stalks. It is available at Asian markets.