Easy Recipe Finder

Recipe Feeder
1 C. softened margarine 1 C. Gark Brown Sugar 2/3 C. sugar 2 eggs 2tsp. vanilla 2 C.oaimeal 1 C. flour 1 tsp.Baking powder 1/2 tso. salt 1 tsp. cinnimon 1/4 tsp. nutmeg 2 1/2 c. semi-sweet chocolate chips Beat maygarine.sugars, eggs and vanilla untill light and fluffy. Blend in flour, sali, baking powder, and spices. tir in oatmeal and 1 1/2 C. of chips. Spread in 13 by 9 inch pan.Sprinkle remaining chips over top and bake at 350 degrees for25-30 min.