Easy Recipe Finder

Recipe Feeder
5 Eggs separated 2 Envelopes unflavored
1 1/4 c Sugar -gelatin
2 c Whipping cream 1/8 ts Cream of tartar
3 lg Lemons (2/3 c. juice) 2 c Fresh berries (optional)
12 servings
Beat together egg yolks and sugar. Grate rinds of lemons (I don't use
this) and squeeze out juice, measuring out 2/3 cups lemon juice. Add rind
to the egg yolks, then gradually add the 2/3 cups lemon juice, beating all
the while. (This "cooks" the egg yolk.) Soften the gelatin in 1/2 cup of
hot water and beat until it is dissolved. Allow to cool slightly. Whip the
cream lightly and stir into lemon mixture; then stir in gelatin and
continue stirring until mixture begins to thicken. Beat egg whites with
cream of tartar until stiff but not dry; fold into lemon mixture. Spoon
souffle into dish and chill in refrigerator until completely set (about two
hours). Serve with berries if desired. 12 servings.