Easy Recipe Finder

Recipe Feeder
2 c of cooked rice 1 ts sesame oil
1 c deep-frying oil 1/4 ts salt
1 c dried soybeans 1 ts sugar
1 ea medium onion, quartered 1/4 ts MSG (opt)
10 c cold water 1 ea clove garlic
2 ts thin soy 10 ea fresh snowpeas
2 tb sherry 1 ea large carrot
8 servings
Rice Cakes: Work with cooked leftover rice that is slightly moist and
sticky. If too dry, reheat with sprinkling of water until sticky.
Spread rice in frying pan or pie tin, 1/2" thick. Pack rice into firm
cake: this is important to make sure rice holds together. Place in
oven on low heat, and dry to slighly brittle texture; break into
pieces. Ten minutes before combining with soup, deep-fry rice pieces
until lightly brown. Strain, place in soup tureen, and keep hot in
oven. Avoid holding fried pieces more than 10 minutes, as they tend
to acquire a rancid taste and become overly dry.
Vegetarian Soup: Wash, then soak soybeans overnight in enough water
to cover. In large soup pot, combine water, beans, onion and garlic.
Bring to boil, lower heat, and simmer 2 hours. Strain and reserve
stock until ready to finish. Save 1/2 of beans for soup.
To finish soup, combine strained stock, cooked soybeans, soy sauce,
sherry, sesame oil, salt and sugar. Peel carrot and make thin flower
slices (or use flower cutter); add to soup. Bring soup to just under
the boil. Add MSG and snowpeas. Cook for 2 minutes.
To serve, seat your diners, place soup tureen of freshly fried, hot
rice pieces on table and pour hot soup over them. If rice and soup
are very hot, rice will sizzle and crackle to everyone's joy and
Serves 8