Easy Recipe Finder

Recipe Feeder
Preparation : 30 mts
Serves : 5 persons

1 kg chicken, washed and drained
4 medium sized onions, finely chopped
few fresh curry leaves
4 tbsp oil
1 tsp fresh garam masala powder
salt to taste

To Marinade:
1 cup curd
1 1/2 tbsp ginger garlic paste
1/4 tsp turmeric powder
1 tbsp red chilli powder

To make paste:
1/4 cup water
2 cups fresh red sorrel leaves
3 green chillies (adjust)
1 bunch fresh coriander leaves (optional)
1/2 bunch fresh mint leaves (optional)

Garam Masala Powder:
4 cloves
1 1/2" cinnamon
3 cardamoms
3 tbsp coriander seeds

1. Marinade chicken pieces in curd, turmeric pwd, red chilli pwd and ginger garlic paste and keep aside for half an hour.

2. Lightly dry roast the spices under 'garam masala powder' for 4 mts and let them cool. Grind them to fine powder, keep aside.

3. Boil the water, add fresh red sorrel leaves, coriander leaves, green chillies and mint leaves. Cook them for 3 mts and let them cool. Grind them into a fine paste and keep aside.

4. Heat oil in a heavy bottomed vessel, add finely chopped onions, curry leaves and saute till light golden color on medium heat.

5. Add marinade chicken, mix well, covered, cook on high heat for 5 mts. Reduce heat and cook for another 20 mts or till chicken more than half cooked.

6. Now time to add sorrel leaves paste and combine well. Place the lid and cook till chicken has turned soft and paste should mix well with chicken pieces.
7. Finally add salt and fresh garam masala pwd, mix well, cook more 5 mts and turn off the heat.
8. Serve hot with white rice or chapatis.

Note: 1. You can use red sorrel leaves directly instead of making paste. Then make slits on green chillies and use them directly.