Easy Recipe Finder

Recipe Feeder
4 c broth 1 tb butter
1 ea cube bouillon 1/8 ts ground ginger
4 lb fresh pumpkin 1/4 ts nutmeg
2 c water 1/2 c fresh parsley, chopped
2 c half & half 1 ea chopped mint for garnish
2 tb molasses
6 servings
Peel, seed, and cook pumpkin. Make broth with bouillon. Cut pumpkin into
1" cubes and place in broth. Simmer for 5 minutes, then puree in blender.
Return puree to heat; add half & half and molasses. Add butter, ginger
and nutmeg; simmer 10 minutes. Add parsley; simmer 10 minutes more.
Serve with fresh chopped mint on top. Serves 6