
Staff member
1 cup hazelnuts
1 cup sugar
1/2 cup water
3/4 cup honey
1 egg white
Servings: 20
1. Toast hazelnuts in moderate oven on oven tray for 10 minutes. While nuts are warm, rub off skins using a clean tea-towel.

2. Place sugar and water in small saucepan, stir over low heat until sugar is dissolved. Cook syrup, without stirring, until it reaches 140 degrees C when tested with a sweets thermometer or until syrup reaches soft crack stage.

3. Stir honey into syrup and return to the boil until temperature is 140 degrees when tested with a sweets thermometer or until syrup reaches soft crack stage.

4. Beat egg white until stiff peaks form, continue to beat egg white while adding the hot syrup in a thin stream. Beat mixture constantly until it thickens and becomes stiff. Fold through hazelnuts, pour into lightly greased 18 cm square pan. Allow to cool and set overnight.

5. Cut into bars using a wet knife. Wrap each piece of nougat in cellophane; refrigerate until required.