How is radiation treatment tolerated and given?

i had radiation treatments for cancer of the throat it was like 4.5 minutes everyday for 36 days it was in the last stages, not knowing what kind of cancer your mom has it hard to say. i got it in the neck it mad my neck hard a concrete and red but that was it
My dad had it for 62 weeks straight every day cept' week-ends, sat & sun. he ownes his own bussiness and never missed a day of work - he did well on it - tired at times - took naps on his lunch hour other then this it seemed to be a good treatment but it was no cure for him he still has his cancer... But for some it is a cure...
My mom had only 5 treatments for cancer that had spread into her hip and back. The treatment required her to have a couple small dots tattooed onto her they knew everytime where to position her. It took her only a few minutes and she was done. She had a bit of bowel upset...but nothing serious. A few months later...she is noticing a bit of soreness where the radiation entered her body...but the doctor told her that is normal, and that it would go away on its own shortly.
Radiation is normally tolerated very well. You just lay there on the table and it takes all of 5 minutes and you're done. I had it to my brain. I lost hair in the area it went in and the various areas it came out. I tanned my skin, which is now going away. If it's to her head, they will form a mask for her head so it won't move during treatments. It made me have a metallic taste and the radiation center had bowls of mints every where, so it must be a common side effect. She'll do fine with it. Wish her well for us.
The ONC Dr usually gives some tattoo/stamps to help them find the area. I have three little marks near my shoulder that are hardly noticed. They bring you into a room make sure that you are very comfy and line up your marks with the machine. It hardly took but a few minutes and I was out. I was frightened, but when the machine came on I couldn't help but to want to giggle because the noise reminded me of my vacuum cleaner.I wasn't tired, and had no side effects to rads. However, it depends on where they are giving them. Make sure you talk to the Dr about some extra's as far as what you should and shouldnt be wearing and sun exposure.I drove myself for 10 days back and forth to radiation without any problems. Good luck to your mother
There is lots about looking after oneself during and after treatment on, and information about little things that you can do for your Mom.She is lucky to have you - good luckVerite R