How to make a kitchen bigger without adding on to the house?

our kitchen was small, we had an island between the dining room and the kitchen that i took out and put up a wall to give us a pllace to put the fridge and stove. that way they are tucked in a nitch and out of the way. it didnt give us a huge amount of space but it gave us enough to have 2 adults and 2 kids in there and not be knocking eachother over
A bay window can help. Pull out shelving. With out seeing it or know how much money you have, it's a difficult answer.
use the space above the cabinets for storage of seldom used items. Store dishes and glasses near the dishwasher - so you don't walk a mile unloading the labor saver. A mirror- no matter how small ,makes the room seem bigger.
Buy alot of drawer and cabinet organizers. They are def. worth the money. Plus if you can put up shelves you can use them for storage too of your nicer things or even cookbooks.
You can make more cabinets and take away width from the tables. This will make you kitchen bigger.