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She wants me to help her clean her kitchen which is almost as bad as being worthy enough to be on thos How Clean Is your House? shows I want some kitchen cleaning tips that I can use to clean her kitchen. Can you help me?I am helping her clean it.And also I WANT to help she's not making me do this against my will.
1. Get a dish pan and put all the dishes that are in the sink into the dish pan. 2. Clean out the sink3. If she's got a dishwasher, great. Load and run. If not, start the hot water running and rinse the gross stuff off the dishes. Fill the dishpan with the soaking dishes and lots of soap. Let soak. 4. take a small bowl and fill halfway with water, then add a couple tablespoons of vinegar. Stick in the microwave on high for a few minutes (long enough to boil)5. Clear off the stove of spoon rests, old pans, whatever. Spray down with all purpose cleaner, let soak. 6. Pick up all obvious trash and toss7. Ok, back to the dishes. Again, if there's a dishwasher, skip this step. Empty the dishrack so you'll have a place to put the clean ones. Wash as many as you can fit into the dishrack, refill dishpan with soap and hot water, soak the next batch.8. take a damp rag and hit that microwave. If the dried on stuff hasn't loosened enough, run it with the bowl of water for a couple more minutes.9. I usually take a baking dish filled half way with water when I tackle the stove. Clean off the stove top, anything that needs more soaking you can come back to10. Straighten the cabinets and toss all old stuff, all stale cereals, etc.11. Finish any remaining dishes12. Clear off any countertops, storing away appliances that do not get daily use. wipe it all down with all purpose spray13. sweep floors, then mop. any old spills can be soaked. See the theme?? let the products soak in as much as possible so that its less work for you guys.
open window and a bucket of water,bleach, and dawn goes far ; also we use sp!c and span for wiping down walls, floors; windex is great for alot of things like inside a microwave.
One step at a time... get rid of garbage first. throw away everything that is beyond cleaning, or that is cheap enough to replace. Once you get rid of the clutter, you will be able to see what needs to be done. Tackle one project at a time: you do the fridge, she does the cabinets, etc. Make sure you have enough garbage bags, cleaning supplies, rubber gloves (face masks if she is really dirty). this way you won't have to stop and get more supplies once you are on a roll.. good luck! I don't envy you, but you are a great friend!Check this link out for some tips as well :
First, I am glad you are keeping your own house spotless. Second, I am glad you are not judging me. Third, your friends house is not your problem. This is rather like a metaphor, with mystical implications. Mind your own house. Do not judge other people. Solve your own problems, and let other people solve theirs. If you want to help her, help her. If you do not, don't. But don't embarrass yourself and me by telling the whole world I am a messy housekeeper. When did you say you were going to be here to help me clean my kitchen?
Something to think about....Once you clean it, is she going to keep it clean? My neighbor is the same way and I've cleaned hers for the last time. Clean it one day and it was a mess the next and she had 4 daughters ages 13 to 19 who could have helped her.If you are going to help her..Clean the cabinets and organize them first Wash Dishes next so that you can clean the counter tops, stove, refrigerator, etc. Save the floor for last.GOOD LUCK
When you say a mess , do you mean grease up to the eyeballs or just never cleaned? I think the best place to start is the oven, Get some oven spray , Use some of these wire mesh balls , that clean but don´t scratch, good for the oven rack´s, Once that is done then do the tiles, with hot or even boiling water and a little of her washing up liquid, or some other tile cleaning liquid , the hotter the water , the less streak´s. Then do the inside´s of the cabinet´s, followed by the outer side´s, the fridge,takes very few min´s to clean . leaving the widow´s and last , the floor. I would come and help. but It´s a long way to come , just for the day, I live in Galica Spain
that is nice of you to help clean your friends kitchen! You should use this stuff called Bar Keepers Friend (it is good!) and also use cleaners that smell good to clean the tables and the bars p.s. Bar keepers friend is for the sink and the oven!
open all the doors and windows get a pressure washer and blast everything outside should work good or close and seal the kitchen fill with water and soap soak a few days then open the doors and windows and rinse with a hose then let dry
Ok first of all start with the area she would most like clean ie kitchen sink....clean that first...then clean the next area she would like could do it that way. ORYou can clean for 15 mins have a break and then go back again for 15 mins. Keep doing this until the kitchen is clean. (this is good for keeping the Kitchen clean once it is clean!)Take a garbage bag and start chucking out all the garbage that is lying everywhere have three one for garbage one for keep and one for donation to goodwill (or selected charity)Make sure she cleans and declutters her cupboards so she knows where everything is and gets rid of all excess stuff so she dosn't end up in the same problem.good luck with it all