I smell EVERYTHING before consumption, I am the only one who does this??


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I make sure I smell food, beverages or alcohol brfoe I consume it. Is that normal? I dont do it for safety, I do it just because. I dont know maybe Im nosy???
my cousin does the same thing!!!! eexcept he smells everything!!! not just food....he'll smell the game controller before he plays,the phone before he calls.....EVERYTHING!!!! so no...ur not the only one
nah everyone does, or should do it. i mean i dont wanna take a bite of chicken and find out by taste that its 2 weeks old
Seventy to seventy-five percent of what we perceive as taste actually comes from our sense of smell. Taste buds allow us to perceive only bitter, salty, sweet, and sour flavors. It's the odor molecules from food that give us most of our taste sensation. if you smell it first youll have a greater apprieciation of the taste thats why wine testers always smell the wine first
I do it too! Maybe not everything, but mostly everything. I do INSPECT everything before consumption. I can't help it. I have to know what's going in my mouth.
My son has done it since he began eating food. You are just using your senses. Smell has a lot to do with taste. Sometime plug your nose while taking a bite of something. You won't be able to really taste it.
that is not abnormal at all! i have a friend who smells paper!! only paper. any and all kinds of paper!!!!
lol no... i do the same. I'm very obsessed about hygiene so i do it for this reason, examine yourself, it might be the same for you.
Smell and taste are very closely linked. When you smell something, you are a actually tasting small particles of that substance floating in the air. It's instinctual to want to test how something will taste before actually tasting it, so most people do it. So, when you smell something gross.......
My 9yr. old son does too???????? He smells everything. . He'll smell the book he is about to read, a toy that he picks up, a ball that he's gonna thow. Odd that child of mine but I love him so. He's ok. You're ok. Keep on a sniffin'
I also do thatEspecially when I had a fight with the people who usually cooks our food.I don't know why I do that,probably I imagine that they put poison on my food
great ? i gave a star....i have an addiction to smell so i have a habit to sniff before i take a bite, usually not all drinks tho, just wine- i even open & smell lotion and soap bottles in the store...to person above, smell isn't 30% part of taste its actually around 75%.....why do we like to smell foods? the odor molecules in food stays in ur mouth & gives most of the tastes and they go thru to the olfactory nerve cells which is by the top of ur nasal opening between the nose & brain so it triggers memories and sends messages saying how & what it smells like to u
I have done that since I can remember. Its true that your sense of smell enhances your sense of taste. I enjoy certain smells, like gasoline or new books. I guess we just have an intense sense of smell.
There are a LOT of people who do the very same thing. Some of us just have overactive olfactory senses and what you have described is a result.Don't worry about it, it's just part of you!
I finally found someone like myself...lmao I am 39 and have been doing this FOREVER! Tell me, if it doesn't smell good do you still eat it? I don't! I also have to check out the bathroom of a restaurant before eating there. The funny things we all do. Take care and keep on smelling, it's a good thing....lmao