Is there any household product that will clean a burned pot?

Try oven cleaner or grill cleaner. It should get most of it off. Look for one that doesn't require lots of heat. I think we used oven cleaner when I did that to one of my pots. There may still be some scorching on the outside bottom of the pot.
e how has a pretty decent article about that--here's the link.i have used the spray on oven cleaner and let it sit for a while and then scrubbed and repeated that until the scorch came off. i have stainless steel pans--i don't know that i'd do that on nonstick pans.
Yes, a couple of things... you can add a bit of vinager to the water in the pan and let it set for a few hours....also cream of tartar in water soaking it a few hours, and even baking soda with water, put on the stove and bring to a slight boil and stir for a few minutes should get it off as well!!
if there is burnt on food in a pot, if the pot can be places on the stove top put some soap in the pot and water in it and let the water boil on the stove and that will get most of the brunt on crap off. i work for over 5 years as a cook and this is what i do when stuff gets burnt in a pot
There are two things you can try, first Automatic Dishwasher Soap, make a paste of it with hot water and let it sit on the burn for half hour then put hot really hot water into sink and let soak until water is just warn then try scrape. Where gloves and protect your eyes. The second thing is Easy off Oven Cleaner I hate using this stuff but it works spray on wait and scrape off. Again cover eyes and hands and don't do either with young kids or pets that can come into contact with this stuff. Good luck .
Rick is right. Use Cream of Tartar. Put cream of tartar in the pot with water and boil it. My sister use to do that with her Farberware tea-kettle.
My grandma used to run dishwashing liquid and water in them and boil it--that helps soften it up a bit. I hope this helps! Sorry it took so long! : )