Easy Recipe Finder

Recipe Feeder
Yield: 4 Servings


* 1 1/2 lb Pork tenderloin Seasoned flour
* 1/3 c Butter
* 2 T Oil
* 1 Lemon
* 1/3 c Capers


Parsley sprigs Skin all fat from the tenderloin and slice thinly. Between wax paper sheets pound (or roll with a rolling pin) the pork slices until they are paper thin and lightly dust them with seasoned flour. Heat the butter and oil in a skillet until thoroughly hot. Saut, the pork until it is well-done and remove. Turn off the heat squeeze half of the lemon through a strainer into the butter and deglaze the pan s****ing up the crumbs. Return the pork escalopes to pan and add the capers coating the meat thoroughly with pan juices. Serve with fettucine alfredo or buttered noodles as a side dish.