Easy Recipe Finder

Recipe Feeder
5 pound Duck
1 tablespoon Salt
Pepper, To Taste
3 cup Bread Crumbs
4 tablespoon Butter, Melted
1 Orange Zest
2 Oranges, Separated
1 tablespoon Lemon Zest
2 Apples, Fresh,Cubed
¼ teaspoon Thyme
¼ teaspoon Marjoram
1 teaspoon Salt
½ cup Orange Juice

Have the duck cleaned at the market. Singe it thoroughly to remove the tiny feathers. Carefully wash inside and out. Rub the duck with the tablespoon of salt and some pepper. Make a stuffing of the remaining ingredients and stuff into the duck. Sew up the incision and truss. Place the duck on a rack in roasting pan and roast in oven 450, allow 15 minutes to the pound. Baste every 5 minutes, using the drippings in the pan or orange juice. When done, place on a hot platter and remove stitches and trussing. Garnish with parsley and glazed orange slices. Serve with orange sauce.

Orange sauce: 4 tb butter, 4 tb flour ,1 cup stock made from cooking the neck and giblets 1 cup strained orange juice ,1/2 ts salt ,pinch of cayenne and orange rind cut in fancy shapes. Melt he butter, blend in the flour, add the stock, orange juice and seasoning. Cook, stirring constantly until the sauce thickens, and lastly add the orange rind.