Easy Recipe Finder

Recipe Feeder
Prawns, medium sized 12 nos. (Shrimp)
Egg 1 no.
Cornflour 1 tbsp.
White pepper As required
Spring onions finely chopped ½ cup
Spring onion tops finely chopped ¼ cup
Ginger finely chopped 1 tbsp.
Ajinomoto As required

Peppercorns ¾ tsp.
Spring onions sliced (for garnish) 4 nos.
Pineapple thinly sliced (for garnish) 4 nos.
Oil for frying As required
Salt As required

1.Clean the prawns and pat dry with paper towels.
2.Marinate the prawns with the egg, cornflour, salt and pepper and set it aside for 20 mins.

3.Roast the pepper corns on a tava for about 4 minutes, remove from heat and set asdie.

3.In a skillet deep fry the prawns till golden brown, remove from heat and drain off the excess oil.

4.In pan stir fry the spring onions, ginger and ajinomoto and a little bit of salt for 2 to 3 minutes.

5.Add the roasted peppercorns to the prawns and vegetables and mix well.

6.Arrange the prawns on a serving dish and garnish it with the sliced spring onions and pineapple.

7.Serve as an appetizer or starter.