Easy Recipe Finder

Recipe Feeder
8 large eggs
1/3 cup mayonaise
2 tsp. toasted sesame oil
1 TBL Sriracha hot sauce (or your favorite)
1/8 tsp Kosher salt
1 tsp rice wine vinegar
1 scallion, finely sliced
1 TBL toasted sesame seeds


Place eggs in a medium saucepan and cover with cold water. Place over high heat and bring to a boil. Once boiling, shut off heat and leave eggs to sit in the hot water for 12 minutes. Remove eggs from pan and place them in a bowl of cold water until fully cooled. Peel and discard shells. Carefully cut eggs in half lengthwise and scoop yolks out into a mixing bowl. Reserve whites on a serving platter.
Add mayonnaise, sesame oil, hot sauce, vinegar and salt to the yolks and mash together with a fork. Once everything is combined use a whisk to really incorporate everything. Place into a piping bag and pipe mixture into the bowl of the egg whites. Garnish with toasted sesame seeds and sliced scallions.