Easy Recipe Finder

Recipe Feeder
1 1/2 pounds side or baby back ribs, cut into individual ribs

1 tablespoon dry Sherry (or Chinese rice wine)
2 tablespoons sugar
3 tablespoons white vinegar
4 tablespoons soy sauce

1. Place the spare ribs into a high sided pot with a lid.

2. Combine all the other ingredients together in a small bowl then pour over meat in pot. Use a rubber spatula to get every bit of the mixture on top the meat.

3. Turn the heat on to medium-low and put the cover on the pot. Cook for 45 minutes, stirring occasionally.

4. Pour all the contents of the pot into a skillet and reduce the sauce mixture to a caramel that coats all the ribs.

These are good hot or room temp. Serve with plenty of napkins.

Note: This recipe doubles well, but if you want to make more than that, use two pots.