Easy Recipe Finder

Recipe Feeder
main materials : pork ribs, potatoes, carrots , Pi bean paste, dried chili , pepper , aniseed, salt, rock sugar , soy sauce , vinegar

How to make roast pork more delicious

1. The spareribs must dip inboiling water for a while, then pour away the water.

2. put oil intou the wok , not too little, more does not matter, heat and put into Pi bean paste, chili cut, the right amount of pepper, one or two aniseed, right amount crystal sugar, soy sauce and vinegar appropriate translation Fried, small fire , do not fry into paste.

3 After putting the materials, turn up the fire, keep flying until the oil of the meat comes out.

4 Pour some water into the wok until the water over the short rib, put the wok cover on the wok.

5, wait for a while until the soup is almost run out,

6, 6. Pour some sesame oil in, then put carrots and potatoes, stir fully.

7, pour water into the wok again, as the picture under,

8. If you put a multi-bean paste, then do not recommend salt. In short, according to the tastes of you and enjoy playing it!