Easy Recipe Finder

Recipe Feeder
Thaw, but do not let rise, 2 loaves frozen sweet bread dough. While thawing dough, combine in large sauce pan:

1 cup sugar
1 cup brown sugar
2 sticks butter or marg.
3 cups vanilla ice cream

Bring to a heavy boil. As it starts to thicken, remove from heat, and pour into a 13 x 9 cake pan.

Allow to continue cooling, while rolling the thawed dough into an 8 x 12 inch rectangle.
Spread dough with marg. and sprinke with cinnamon and sugar. Begin rolling dough at wide end, and slice into 1" thick pieces by crossing the ends of a thread or string which has been passed beneath the dough. Cut 15 "rolls", and place on top of warm (but not hot) caramel mixture.

Cover with foil and allow dough to rise until doubled. Remove foil and back at 350 for 30 minutes.