Easy Recipe Finder

Recipe Feeder
1.5 oz Coconut Cream
1.0 tsp Grenadine
4.0 oz Pineapple Juice
2.0 oz Vodka

First you need Maria Brizzard's Parfait Amor, which is not on the
list. It is an orange liquor.... with other flavors, and it's BLUE ( the
EYE part) To begin, first make a Chi-Chi, pour vodka, pineapple,
and coco-cream over lots of ice and blend till thick and smooth.
Next pour 3/4 of a shot of Chi-Chi into a taller Italian, shot glass.
Then fill to top with Parfait Amor (it will sink to bottom). Last, the
Bloody part, carefully drop Grenadine along the rim so it slowly
makes it's way to the bottom leaving a beautiful Bloody trail.....
Admire the contrasting colors, and the lovely designs, then throw
it back and request another Bloody Patriot's EYE!!!! Because there's
a whole pitcher left !