Easy Recipe Finder

Recipe Feeder
1 lb Can jellied cranberry sauce
10 oz Jar Smucker's Simply Fruit, Orange Marmalade
1/4 ts Ground ginger
2 cup Fresh cranberries; each sliced 2 or 3 pcs horizont.
1/3 cup Walnuts; chop fine

in 2-quart saucepan, over medium-to-low heat, use rubber bowl scraper to stir together jellied sauce, marmalade and ginger until melted, about 6-8
minutes. Add the sliced cranberries, keeping sauce on low. Stir often. Continue cooking and stirring often until cranberries are no longer white and
taste tender to the bite (not soft, but not too crisp). Stir in walnuts. When cooled to lukewarm, refrigerate, covered and use with a week to 10 days.