Easy Recipe Finder

Recipe Feeder
1 C white flour
2 tsp fresh double acting baking powder
1/2 tsp salt
(1/2 tsp poultry seasoning - optional)
Sift dry ingredients together 3 times.
The secret to light dumplings is NEVER,NEVER
take the top off the pot until they should be
done - if you do, they collapse into leaden
little lumps. This, of course, means that you
must make a superior gravy to cook them in -
not so thick it scorches, not so thin it sogs
up your dumplings when you're done cooking

Bring an egg up to 1/2 C with milk and mix together - then add to dry ingredients and stir together until moist (looks like sticky muffin batter) Drop tablespoonsful into a dutch oven half full of boiling gravy, cover and cook 7-10 minutes(until float to the top and are cooked through) You'll have to experiment with a few until you get the hang of your liquid, size of dumpling and pot, etc. Pot should be no more than 1/2 full of sauce but still several inches deep. remove from pot and serve immediately with lots of gravy and meat dish of your choice (ours was boiled chicken in oceans of gravy).