Easy Recipe Finder

Recipe Feeder
1 bone-in pork shoulder roast (boston butt)
1-12 oz. can evaporated milk
1-20 oz. bottle Coca-Cola
1 head garlic
1-8 inch stick canela (cinnamon -- can use 1-2 tablespoons powdered cinnamon)
salt and pepper
lard (or oil)

Make the carnitas. Cut just the top off the head of garlic to expose the inside of the cloves (like you would if you were roasting the garlic), and toss in a large pot with the roast. Add the milk, Coke, canela, a generous sprinkling of salt and pepper, and enough water to bring the liquid just up to the top of the roast. Bring to a boil, and when the Coke fizz subsides, cover tightly, turn heat down to low, and simmer for an hour or so until the pork is falling apart tender. Remove the roast and let sit for an hour until it's room temperature, or refrigerate. Tear the roast into small pieces. Heat the lard in a saute pan until quite hot, then add the pork pieces, and fry over high heat until the outside is golden brown. Remove and cool, then pull apart into shreds.Serve on warm, soft white corn tortillas topped with grated cheddar, onions, black olives, diced green chilis, tomatoes, sour cream, etc.