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Ok so I made sweet patato fries with cut up sweet patatos, extra virgin olive oil, and seasonings and cooked them on a cookie sheet and after I took them out of the oven and served it I noticed that the pan was really really sticky! Like glue! Anyways, I can't get the "glue" off! I tried to wash it 3 times with lots of elbow grease but nothing is getting the "glue" off.Any tips to help me get the sticky residue off? Thanks
If it is NOT a non-stick sheet, then get some steel wool pads like Brillo or SOS. If it is non-stick, then soak it overnight in a tub of hot water (this will cool down, but don't worry) and dishwashing soap, before scrubbing with with a non-abrasive scrubbing pad.
Make a paste of baking soda and water and spread it over the cookie sheet. Let it set over night. Tomorrow, wash the baking soda off and try scrubbing it again. Good luck!
You can try to reheat it , but add a little water first. The sticky stuff may "liquify" and then you can wash it off.
I'm pretty sure the baking soda that someone else suggested will remove the sticky stuff. In the future, whenever you are baking with oil or pam spray on your baking pans, cover the pan with aluminum foil first. The sticky stuff is the oil burned on the pan. Or, instead of using a baking sheet, next time use a cast iron skillet. You can put oil in it without damaging it, and can put it right in the oven.
Make a paste of baking soda, as my fellow-posters have suggested and scrub it with whatever scrubby thing doesn't ruin the pan's finish. I make sweet potato fries a lot and when I do, I put a sheet of parchment paper on the cooking sheet- the fries slide right off- it's absolutely amazing. I've also started using parchment squares instead of cupcake papers when making muffins.
If Brillo or SOS pads don't work, try some oven cleaner. If that doesn't work nothing will and you'll have to replace your cookie sheet. The next time you make sweet potato fries line your cookie sheet all the way to the edges with foil. Those fries are good aren't they?