Easy Recipe Finder

Recipe Feeder
25 lb lobster bodies
6 onions
12 carrots
1 hd celery
2 hds garlic
1 lb butter
3 c tomato paste
750 ml wine - white
750 ml brandy
2 Tbsp thyme
3 Tbsp tarragon
6 bay leaves
2 star anise
1 chefspoon beef base
2 chefspoon lobster base
1 chefspoon fish base
5gal water
roux as needed

=Saute onion, carrot & celery in butter until soft. Add lobsterbodies & alcohol, reduce by half. Add rest of ingredients (except roux) & cook 4-6 hours, refreshing liqud as necessary. Strain, pushing & crushing lobster to extract liquid, thicken with roux cooking at least 45 minutes more. Strain & finish with cream & sherry.