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My oven is not self-cleaning, and it really needs to be cleaned. Does anyone have some suggestions on cleaners that won't leave my house smelling like a chemistry experiment gone wrong?
easy off heavy duty lemon scent. i just used last weekend and it wasn't bad at all. i left on for about an hour, wiped and rinsed, then resprayed the really bad parts and waited another. quick and easy.
Most of you also mention that you don’t like to use commercial oven cleaners because it is very hard to rinse the oven cleaner out of the oven enough and the taste of it gets into food. Yum: Roast turkey a la Oven Cleaner. Many also get headaches when using the commercial products. Believe it or not, you can clean your oven safely with nothing but baking soda and water! Give this a try, because it really works!Most people can hardly believe that all I use for cleaning the oven is baking soda and water, and that the project requires no scrubbing. I suppose we have all been so brainwashed by household products companies that we mistakenly believe we require powerful chemicals for cleaning. But most people don't know that simple household minerals such as baking soda can clean like magic. The key is using enough of the mineral.To clean my oven, I sprinkle baking soda all over the bottom until it is covered completely with about 1/4 of an inch of baking soda. Then, using a clean spray bottle, I spray the baking soda with water until the baking soda is thoroughly damp but not flooded. After that, this lazy cleaner goes off and does other things. When I think of it, I dampen the baking soda again if it is drying out. Before I go to bed, I do that again. When I wake up in the morning, the baking soda can effortlessly be scooped out of the oven with a sponge, bringing all the grime with it. That's it! The only downside is that you need to rinse out the white residue left by the baking soda, but it sure beats Turkey à La Oven cleaner because there are no fumes!
Being a person who suffers allergies from chemicals, I love Easy Off Fume Free Oven Cleaner. You can even use it on your BBQ grill and it really IS fume free with instanteous cleaning gratification. Spray it on the inside of your oven, lay down newspaper and spray the racks, give it about 20 minute to activate, breathe your fume free air, then take a scrunge side of the sponge designed for teflon applications, wiping the foam off and viola! You have clean oven and racks, even BBQ burnt on food will dissolve with this stuff!
Here is a method I have used, it really does work wonders with little effort. And none of the nasty spray stuff.Easy Oven CleaningYou have an older oven, and it is not self cleaning. You hate getting all the chemicals to clean with, they reek and cause a nasty mess that is hard to clean up after.You can try a simpler route by cleaning it once a month with out all the chemicals. Turn you oven on to warm up. Turn off the oven once it is warm and place a bowl with about a cup of ammonia in the center of the oven.Close the door and let it sit overnight. In the morning, grab a rag and a large pan of clean water and wipe out the interior of the oven. All the baked on goop should come out fairly easily.And if the glass doesn't look clean enough. Dampen a paper towel in the ammonia and place it on the glass. Cover with plastic wrap and let it work it's magic. When it looks clean just finish with windex.
Easy off works really well. I think they had one that was an orange smell or something like that. You spray it in your oven and leave for X amount of time and then open and wipe clean.Good Luck!!