Easy Recipe Finder

Recipe Feeder
1 c Milk 1/4 ts Pepper
1 1/2 lb Ground beef 3/4 c Flour
1 Onion, grated, medium 2 x Egg, beaten
1/8 ts Nutmeg 4 tb Flour
1/8 ts Ginger 2 c Beef stock
1 ts Salt
6 servings
Heat milk, do not boil. In separate bowl combine beef, onion and spices.
Add flour slowly blending thoroughly. Gradually mix in milk.
Add eggs and beat until mixture is light and puffy, about 5 minutes.
Cover and refrigerate 1/2 hour. Then roll beef into 1-inch balls. Brown
meatballs under broiler. Remove. Set aside.
Add flour to broiler beef drippings and stir until smooth. Gradually
stir in beef stock; Bring to boil. Season with salt and pepper. Simmer
5 minutes; Add meatballs to sauce. Simmer gently covered 15 minutes.
Place in serving dish.