Easy Recipe Finder

Recipe Feeder
Green beans - 125g
Tofu - 200g (firm tofu recommended)
Mushrooms - 6 to 8 (sliced)
Green onions - 2 (cut into 1cm sections)
Curry paste - 1 tbsp
Light soy sauce - 1 tbsp
Coconut milk - 1 to 1 1/2 cup (or skimmed milk)
Sugar - 2 teaspoon
Fresh red chilies - 3 (diced)
Salt - add to taste

* Heat the coconut milk in a pot until it starts to separate. Then add in the curry paste, soy sauce, red chilies, sugar, and salt. Mix well.
* Add in the mushrooms and tofu, and bring to a boil.
* Add in the green beans, and let it simmer until the beans are cooked. Add in the green onions. Cook for a minute or so, and serve.

This healthy recipe for the heart has only 0.5grams of saturated fat, and no cholesterol per serving!