Well, for starters you should mop the floors with a disinfectant like Pine Sol. Scrub the kitchen and bathroom with something like Lysol. Vacuum really good and don't forget to dust. Make sure all the linen is clean too. And also make sure you don't have any old food, dirty clothes, etc... lying around. One last thing, Febreeze. Works like a charm.
well just keeping it clean for one will help you dont like air fresheners and candles what a bout just getting some deoderized carpet cleaner you sprinkle it on your carpet before you vacume then it vacumes right up. taking the trash out regularly and doing dishes every day will help alot all on its own. i have 2 kids cant use deoderizers and air fresheners alot because i think alot of them smell kind of strong, but just keeping the house clean and open windows some to let fresh air in instead of letting the dry still air linger will help. and if you really want you can get the renuzit air stuff they smell good but not to strong and lol not girly either just clean smelling stuff oh and a big pile of dirty clothes in the corner will not help your apartments smell any. but thats usually mens things they hate to do lol the trash dishes and laundry. but those are the 3 things that make a home smell the worst, oh and a cheating way to clean use those clorox mop and dry things if you have hard floors. not sure what its called but i have one its got the spray stuff you spray and mop all on one tool thing and it leaves floors nice and clean and has a nice clean smell to it but dont use to much other wise it smells like strong clorox.
Your best bet would be an air purifier. Mine is from Nikken which takes out more toxins and bad smells than the average air purifier. If you want to know more about this you can check out the website- www.nikken.com/jlmiller
If you have the time make up a spray of white vinegar and water----Litely spray your curtains, walls,and mop with it.The vinegar odor will leave when it dries.The spray leaves a nice clean smell.If you can turn a fan on while you're out of the apartment it will dry quicker and odors will be gone.Give it a try.....I got shrimp odor out of my trunk with this mixture---I use it all the time.
Be careful of plug ins. They have started fires.In addition to keeping everything sparkling clean use Odo Ban [ sold at wal-mart] to clean with as well as pledge multi purpose [ in the blue bottle ].It smells nice and subtle and does wonders on electronics.Odo ban is also a great fabric refresher.Empty that garbage and spray every time you change the bag,
I agree with Cammie. Odoban is the way to go. It is a cleaner/disinfectant/mildewstat/air freshener. We use it at the grooming shop I work at, and I use it at home. My husband loves the fresh scent it has w/o being girly.