try cutting a lemon in quarters, put it in a bowl of water, and microwave it for about 1-2 min. It will make the microwave inside very easy to clean and it will make a great smell for the house. When your done if you have a garbage disposal, dispose it.. It will make the disposal smell good too!
i use all over the house baking soda,whenever you need powder cleanser like Ajax try the BS,for windows I use water and white vinegar with a drop of dish detergent.
Here are a few of my favorites:1. Use white vinegar to clean glass, floors, countertops, etc. The smell dissipates rather quickly and it does a great job without harsh chemicals or fumes.2. Use a mixture of 1 part lemon juice, 2 parts white vinegar, and 1 part water for tougher stains on counter tops or the floor. Let it soak for a few minutes before scrubbing. Make sure you rinse well and never use lemon on stainless steel.3. Add a few drops of lavender oil to your dryer sheet or a handkerchief and put it in with your sheets or clothing when you dry it for a relaxing pleasant scent without artificial fragrance that could irritate skin.4. Spritz your shower curtain and any areas prone to mold or soap scum with 3 parts vinegar, 1 part water every couple of days to slow down the formation of mold/mildew soap scum. Make sure you close your shower curtain after you shower so it dries more quickly.5. Safer toilet cleaner - pour a cup of vinegar and a few tablespoons of baking soda into your toilet swish it around and up onto the parts above the water line with a toilet brush and let sit a few minutes - then it will come clean more easily. For tougher stains add a little lemon juice,6. Vacuum your mattress and throw your pillows into the dryer on high heat for at least 30 minutes (check the care instructions on your pillow first) at least once a month to get rid of dust mites. You would be amazed at how much better you feel waking up and how much it will reduce your allergies.7. To clean a wooden cutting board - first wash and rinse with dish soap. To disinfect - cut a lemon in half, rub all over the board and squeeze the juice from one half all over the board - let sit for 15 minutes or longer. Pour salt generously all over the board and use the other half of the lemon to scrub the salt all over. Rinse thoroughly. This is great for getting rid of smells.8. Quarter a lemon and place it into a microwave safe bowl with half a cup of vinegar. Place it in the microwave and set on high for 5 minutes. Everything should wipe off easily and the resulting mixture can be used for tough stains on your counter, floor, toilet, etc.9. For fingerprints on the wall: Squish a piece of white bread into a ball (not stale as it needs some moisture) and use the bread like an eraser!
i used baking soda and vinegar to clean almost everything, counter tops bathroom sinks and tubs i i use salt and lemon to clean copper pots and pans.
White vinegar on newspaper for the windows - it won't leave any streaksThere are so many uses for vinegar I have a book, think you can probably buy it on amazonHalf a lemon in the fridge to keep it smelling fresh
Vinegar, vinegar, vinegar. Then baking soda, baking soda, baking soda. Vinegar is a mild acid, so it's great for everything from cleaning glass to cleaning the bathroom. A loose paste of baking soda and water makes a great mild abrasive. And baking soda absorbs odor, so that's another plus. I also find that regular old shampoo is great for cleaning the bathtub.Good luck!
The vinegar and baking soda is a good bet for general cleaning. Also (not sure if these are available outside of Australia) eucalyptus and tea tree oils are good disinfectants. I make my own laudry detergent and use white vinegar as fabric softener and when I have to buy commercial cleaning products I aim for environmentally friendly versions. I also buy low irritant skincare products, soaps, shampoos etc. If you clean regularly sometimes even just wiping down with water is enough.