Easy Recipe Finder

Recipe Feeder
1 oz. butter, melted
1 oz. garlic, pared, minced
2 oz. shallots, pared, minced
8 oz. white mushrooms, minced
3 oz. crimini mushrooms, minced
3 oz. oyster mushrooms, minced
2 oz. Madeira
3 oz. heavy cream
2 oz. fine breadcrumbs
salt and pepper, to taste
12 pasta circles (see Ravioli Pasta)

Sweat garlic and shallots in butter until soft. Add mushrooms; saute until dry. Add Madeira; cook until dry. Add cream and breadcrumbs; combine. Season. Remove from heat; let cool. Spoon about 1/2 oz. of stuffing into each pasta circle; fold in half to form ravioli. Seal with egg white or water. Simmer in water until cooked.