Easy Recipe Finder

Recipe Feeder
Yield: 4 Servings


* 2 lg Artichokes (or 4 medium)
* 1 sm Carrot
* 1 sm Onion
* 1 tb Olive oil
* 2 tb Parsley; chopped
* 1/2 ts Basil leaves dried
* 1/2 ts Oregano
* 1/2 ts Dill weed
* 1 Garlic clove Salt
* 1 c Wine


Pepper to taste With scissors or sharp knife cut 1 1/2 inches off top of each artichoke; cut off stems. Pull leaves open at top; remove center leaves and s****e out choke with spoon. In blender or food processor combine carrot onion parsley dried herbs garlic and salt and black pepper to taste; process until finely chopped. Stuff herb mixture between leaves of artichokes. Place cooking rack wine and 1/2 cup water in 4- or 6-qt pressure cooker. Place artichokes on rack; close cover securely. Place pressure regulator on vent pipe. Cook 20 minutes at 15 pounds pressure with pressure regulator rocking slowly. Cool cooker at once. Remove artichokes and rack; keep warm. Boil liquid left in pressure cooker about 5 minutes or until reduced to 1/4 cup; stir in red pepper. To serve spoon cookng liquid over artichokes.