Easy Recipe Finder

Recipe Feeder
1 1/4 c water 5 ea eggs at room temperature
1/2 c plus 2 Tbsp butter 2 c cream whipped stiff
1 1/4 c flour
12 servings
1 c sugar 1/3 c water

6 oz semi-sweet chocolate 4 tb butter

Use cream whipped stiff with sugar and vanilla, to taste.
Such a gorgeous dessert - you say it "croak-em-boosh" - you'll need a
pastry bag with a 1/4" tip to fill the tiny puffs with whipped cream.
Preheat oven to 375. Boil water and butter together. Remove from heat, ad
flour all at once beating rapidly till dough forms a ball. (If it doesn't,
put it back over medium heat and keep beating.) Cool 7 minutes. Add eggs,
one at a time, beating frantically after each till dough is smooth. Butter
and flour cookie sheets and drop by small teaspoonfuls 2" apart and bake 16
minutes until brown and puffed. Put a little slit in each one, put them
back in oven for 10 minutes more. Cool completely. Fill them from bottom
with whipped cream. Refrigerate till ready to assemble. Make the caramel
and pile puffs into a pyramid using caramel as glue - dip bottoms. Make th
chocolate and dribble it over all.
Bring to a simmer - swirl pan till sugar dissolves. Cover, bring to boil,
when bubbles are thick, uncover and swirl till light brown - remove from
Stir constantly over low heat till melted. Sauce will harden as it cools.