Easy Recipe Finder

Recipe Feeder
3 slices bacon, chopped
1 large shallot, minced
1/2 cup reduced-sodium chicken broth
1 Tbs. cider or red-wine vinegar
1 lb. green beans, trimmed

In small skillet, cook chopped bacon over medium-high heat until crisp. Remove bacon with slotted spoon and set aside. Add shallot to skillet, and cook 5 minutes. Stir in chicken broth and vinegar, and bring to a boil over high heat; cook 2 minutes. Reduce heat to low, and keep dressing warm until ready to serve.

Meanwhile, in large saucepot, bring 4 quarts salted water to a boil. Add green beans and cook 5 minutes, or until vegetables are crisp-tender. Drain well and transfer to a serving dish. Whisk warm dressing, spoon evenly over green beans, then sprinkle with reserved chopped bacon. Makes 6 servings.