Easy Recipe Finder

Recipe Feeder
1 1/2 c Boiling Water 1/8 ts Peppermint Extract
3 oz (1 pk) Lemon Flavor Gelatin 2 c Melon Balls *
3 oz (1 pk) Lime Flavor Gelatin 1 x Lettuce Leaves
3/4 c Lime Juice 1 x Coconut Cream Dressing
1/2 c Cold Water 1 x Garnishes **
8 servings
* Melon balls can include things like Cantaloupe, or Honeydews, etc.
** Garnishes can be mint leaves and more melon balls.
In medium bowl, pour boiling water over gelatins; stir until dissolved.
Add lime juice, cold water, and extract; chill until partially set. Fold
in mellon. Por into lightly oiled 5-cup ring mold. Chill until set, about
3 hours or overnight. Unmold onto lettuce. Serve with Coconut Cream
Dressing; carinsh with mint leaves and/or melon balls, if desired.