Easy Recipe Finder

Recipe Feeder
1 cup semolina
1/4 cup warm water
1 tbsp. olive oil
1 cup semolina
1/8 cup warm water
1 tbsp. olive oil
1/8 cup tomato paste
Crabmeat Filling
egg wash, as needed
boiling salted water, as needed

Place first quantities of semolina, water and olive oil in blender or food processor; process for 15 seconds. Turn dough onto floured surface; knead until smooth. Repeat procedure blending remaining quantities of semolina, water and olive oil with tomato paste; knead until smooth. Using pasta machine, roll out plain dough to No. 5 thickness; repeat for tomato pasta dough. Spoon portions of crabmeat filling onto plain pasta dough. Brush egg wash around each portion; lay tomato pasta dough over, pressing around crabmeat portions to seal. Using crab-shaped dough cutter, cut ravioli. Place in boiling salted water; boil for 2 minutes. Remove ravioli; reserve warm.