Easy Recipe Finder

Recipe Feeder
2 ripe plum tomatoes
sea salt and freshly ground
black pepper
extra virgin olive oil
8 slices pancetta or dry-cured smoky bacon
4 large free-range eggs
400g/14oz asparagus
4 good slices of rustic cottage-style bread
a knob of butter

This is a great little brunchie snack. Apart from being quite healthy, or that's certainly how it makes you feel, you've got the great combination of silky soft asparagus with the soft egg and crunchy bruschetta and bacon. Anyone can make this. P.S. Bruschetta basically means 'toast' in Italian.

Get some water boiling and your griddle pan on. Halve your tomatoes and place on a roasting tray, cut side facing up. Season, drizzle with a little oil and grill. When they start to colour, lay your slices of pancetta next to them, continue grilling until the pancetta is crisp and remove.

Carefully place your eggs and asparagus in the water and boil for just under 4 minutes. Depending on the thickness of the asparagus, you may want to fish it out a little earlier. Toast each piece of bread and put a slice on each of the 4 plates. Remove your eggs and asparagus from the water once cooked. In a bowl, toss the asparagus in the butter to coat. Peel your soft-boiled eggs. To make it really scrumptious get one half of tomato and rub and squash it into your bread, then divide your asparagus on top. Lay the pancetta over that and then top each carefully with an egg. Once secure, cut open the egg and allow all the lovely yolk to dribble down through the asparagus and on to the bread. Drizzle with olive oil and tuck in.
Try this: Use different eggs, such as goose and duck eggs, which
are widely available in the supermarkets now. They will need slightly different cooking times depending on their size.