Easy Recipe Finder

Recipe Feeder

* 0.60lb Salmon fillet
* 122g Rice
* 1 table spoon Green onions
* 1 table spoon Sweet Pea
* 1 Clove garlic crushed
* 2 table spoon onion finely chopped
* 1 table spoon all purpose flour
* 1 table spoon butter
* 1 table spoon olive oil
* 1/2 cup chicken broth.
* Salt to taste
* 1 teaspoon lemon juice.
* ½ teaspoon cumin
* ½ teaspoon garlic powder
* ½ teaspoon smoked paprika


1. Follow the instruction on the packet of rice and cook the rice. Note: Avoid the seasoning that comes with the rice.
2. When the rice is done set it aside.
3. Sprinkle some lemon juice over the salmon followed by salt, cumin, garlic powder and smoked paprika. (Note these ingredients can be adjusted according to you taste.)
4. Heat the pan and put the olive oil. Put the fish fillet. Cook 4 minutes on each side or until it forms a dark brown crust. Note: Depending on the thickness of the fillet time might vary to get the dark brown crust.
5. Once the fish is done take it out of the pan.
6. Throw the sausage in the same pan and cook them for 3 minutes or until it forms light brown crust on the outside. Now add the onion and garlic.
7. Cook until the onion and garlic soften.
8. Now add the flour and butter. Throw in the pea.
9. Cook for couple of minutes and add the chicken stock. Season with salt and pepper. Chilli flakes are optional.
10. Adjust the thickness of gravy according to your preference by adding more water or cook longer for thicker gravy.
11. Now server the soft, moist fish on the bed of perfectly steamed rice with savory smoked sausage gravy.