Easy Recipe Finder

Recipe Feeder
1/4 cup Water
2 tablespoon Butter or marg.
1/2 cup Carrots shredded
1/4 cup Onion chopped
2 cans (10-3 Cream of Potato soup undiluted
2 cups Milk
1 can (7 oz. Corn whole kernel, drained
2 cups Cauliflower fresh or frozen florets, cooked just until tender
1 cup( 4 oz. Cheddar cheese shredded
1/2 cup Provolone or mozzarella cheese shredded
1/8 teaspoon Pepper black

In a saucepan, heat first four (4) ingredients until carrots are tender.

Stir in soup, milk, corn and cauliflower. Heat through. Just before serving, stir in the cheeses and pepper. Serve immediately.

NOTE: This soup can be doubled or tripled and also freezes well.