
New member
I have recently moved into my first apartment, and I was wondering if you have any useful household management tips? I'd love to hear everyones ideas on how to save a little money (recycling old furniture & clothes, coupons, buying/keeping food & cleaning products etc...), how to maximise storage & reduce clutter, any lovely decorating tips (I'm a bit of a crafty magpie and love making and reusing things that I get my hands on!) and general household Goddess advice (for those of us on a budget!)All ideas are welcome, thank you all for your time and help!
I am all about re-purposing. My favorite way to update something old? Spray paint. It's amazing what a can of chrome spray paint will do for an outdated "shiny gold" light fixture. We also really watch our spending, especially on food. We cook from scratch, which saves us a lot of money. We shop at warehouse stores, especially for items like flour, sugar, rice, beans, and canned tomatoes. I'll whip up a big pot of beans and rice, or a big bowl of pizza crust. You can eat for pennies, and it's good, wholesome food.Also, we grow a lot of our own food. A small garden yields a lot of lettuce, green beans, tomatoes, and strawberries. Here's another thought: look for "pick your own" orchards and berry farms. You can pick the food yourself and pay only half of what you pay at the grocery. Then, freeze and can some for the winter months. If you want more tips on saving money on food, including 5 foods you should never buy, check out this website: