Easy Recipe Finder

Recipe Feeder
3 tb peanut oil 2 tb crunchy peanut butter
1/2 lb pork butt 1 tb dark soy sauce
2 ea cloves garlic, minced 1 tb cider vinegar
1 tb minced fresh ginger root 2 tb sesame oil
1/2 c preserved radish 2 ea minced dried hot red chilis
4 ea sq. canned firm bean curd 2 ts sugar
2 ea green onions 1/3 c stock
1 ea SAUCE: 1/2 ts MSG (opt)
4 servings
Preparation: Soak radish in warm water for 45 minutes. Cut pork into
1/2" cubes. Drain & rinse canned bean curd; cut into 1/2" cubes. (If
using fresh bean curd, wrap it in clean dish towel and press it for 1
hour to make it more firm. Wrap it tightly & use about a 5-pound
weight.) Drain radish & cut into 1/2" cubes. Cut green onions,
including tops, into 2" lengths. Sauce: In a cup, cream together
peanut butter and soy sauce. Slowly mix in remaining sauce
ingredients. Set aside.
Stir-frying: Add oil to hot wok. When oil starts to smoke, add pork.
Stir-fry for about 1 minute. Add garlic & ginger; stir-fry for
another 30 seconds. Transfer pork to saucepan; add peanut sauce; heat
& simmer for 15 minutes, adding onions about mid-way. Skim off excess
oil. Add more stock if sauce thickens.
Steaming: In Chinese steamer, steam radish & bean curd on its serving
plate for 15 minutes, just prior to serving. When ready to serve,
drain water off plate, and top vegetables with pork & peanut sauce.
Serves 4