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We will cook some fish today. Cod, one of my favourite. Cod in Tomato Sauce. I will use salt cod. I prefer it to fresh cod. In Spain salt cod is very common. It has been used for centuries as a perfect way of preserving cod. Really delicious.


½ pound salt cod
Some extra virgin olive oil
1 can crushed tomato
Some fresh parsley
1 tablespoon chopped garlic
1 teaspoon thyme
Some salt to taste
Some freshly ground black pepper

First we will have to prepare the fish. And to do that, we will have to start by soaking the cod in water overnight. We should change the water every three hours. It is important to be careful when you change the water so that the cod does not break. In general, depending of the salt water, you should soak the water from 12 to 24 hours. Nonetheless it is better to soak it for 24 hours. If y ou do that, you can always add some salt while cooking if necessary.
Once the cod is desalted, we will have to cook it. We will put some olive oil in a frying pan and when it is hot enough, we will cook the cod for some minutes. Not too much. When the cod is ready, we will reserve it.
Then we will start preparing the tomato sauce. We will heat some oil in a frying pan. When it is hot, we will add the garlic and half a minute later we will add the crushed tomato. Cook the sauce gently. Add salt and pepper to taste. At the last moment we will add the spices: thyme and parsley.
Finally, when the sauce is almost ready, we will add the cod to the sauce.
And in a couple of minutes we will have our Salt Cod in Tomato Sauce.
Serve hot and enjoy!