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1 cup warm water (110°F)
1 teaspoon granulated sugar
1 1/2 ounces active dry yeast
1 1/4 quarts hot water
5 ounces nonfat dry milk
4 ounces granulated sugar
2 ounces salt
8 ounces shortening
76 ounces all-purpose flour (variable)
Yield: 8 dozen
1. Combine sugar and water. Add yeast. Let stand 10 minutes.

2. Place hot water, dry mil, sugar, salt, and shortening in mixer bowl. Mix thoroughly; using dough arm, until shortening is softened.

3. Add eggs and softened yeast.

4. Add flour to make a moderately soft dough. Mix on low speed for about 10 minutes until smooth and satiny or until a small piece of dough can be stretched to resemble a thin membrane.

5. Turn into lightly greased bowl, then turn over to grease top. Cover. Let rise in warm place (80°F) until double in bulk.

6. Punch down. Divide into thirds for easy in handling. Shape into 1 1/2-oz rolls or into desired shapes. (See Variations)

7. Let rise until double in bulk.

8. Bake at 400°F for 15-25 minutes or until golden brown.

Notes: 1 1/4 qt fluid milk may be used in place of nonfat dry milk and hot water. Scald milk, then add sugar, salt, and shortening, and cool to lukewarm.

Mixing may be simplified by combining dry yeast with sugar, salt, dry milk, and 2 lb of the flour. Mix thoroughly. In mixer bowl combine 1 1/4 qt very warm water (120°F), shortening, and beaten eggs. Blend on low speed. Add remaining flour gradually, mixing until a smooth, elastic dough is formed.

Allow 3-4 hours for mixing and rising. For a quicker rising dough, increase yeast to 2 oz.


Bowknots. Roll 1 1/2-oz portions of dough into strips 9 inches long. Tie loosely into a single knot.

Braids. Roll dough 1/4 inch thick and cut in strips 6 inches long and 1/2 inch wide. Braid three strips, fold under, and pinch to seal.

Butterhorns. Proceed as for Crescents, but do not form crescent shape.

Caramel Crowns. Increase sugar in dough to 9 oz. Scale dough into balls 1 1/2 oz each. Drop into mixture of 1 lb 4 oz sugar and 3 Tbsp cinnamon to coat balls. Arrange 18 balls in each of five greased tube pans, into which 2 oz pecans, halves or coarsely chopped, have been placed. The pan should be about 1/3 full. Let rise until double in bulk. Bake at 350°F for 30 minutes. Immediately loosen from pan with a spatula. Invert pans to remove. Cool. Serve irregular side up to resemble a crown. Garnish with maraschino cherries.

Cloverleaf Rolls. Pinch off 1-oz pieces of dough and roll into smooth balls. Fit into greased muffin pans, three balls per cut.

Crescents. Weigh dough into 12-oz portions. Roll each into a circle 1/8 inch thick and 8 inches in diameter. Cut into 12 triangles and brush top with melted margarine or butter. Beginning at base, roll each triangle, keeping point in middle of roll and bringing ends toward each other to form a crescent shape. Place on greased baking sheets 1 1/2 inches apart.

Dinner or Pan Rolls. Shape dough into 1 1/2-oz balls and place on well-greased baking sheets. Cover. Let rise until light. Brush with mixture made of egg yolk and milk—1 egg yolk to 1 Tbsp milk.

Fan Tan or Butterflake Rolls. Weigh dough into 12-oz pieces. Roll out into very thin rectangular sheet. brush with melted margarine or butter. Cut in strips about 1 inch wide. Pile 6-7 strips together. Cut 1 1/2-inch pieces and place on end in greased muffin pans.

Gooey Buns. Grease sides of one 18 X 26 X 2-inch baking sheet. Combine in kettle or saucepan 8 oz margarine, 1 lb 8 oz brown sugar, and 3/4 cup corn syrup. Cook until sugar is dissolved. Pour into prepared pan. Cool. If desired, sprinkle 1 lb pecans over mixture. Place 1 1/2-oz portions of dough 8 X 12 on sugar mixture. Let rise. Bake at 375°F for 20-25 minutes. Remove from oven and turn upside down onto 18 X 26 X 1-inch baking sheet.

Half-and-Half Rolls. Proceed as for Twin Rolls. Use one round plain dough and one round whole wheat dough for each roll.

Hamburger Buns. Divide dough into two portions. Roll each piece of dough into a strip 1 1/2 inches in diameter. Cut strips into pieces approximately 2 1/2 oz each. Round the pieces into balls. Place balls in rows on greased baking sheets 1 1/2-2 inches apart. Let stand 10-15 minutes, then flatten to desired thickness with finger, rolling pin, or another baking sheet.

Hot Cross Buns. Divide dough into thirds. Roll 1/2 inch thick. Cut rounds 3 inches in diameter. Brush tops with beaten egg. Score top of bun to make a cross before baking, or make a cross on top with frosting after baking.

Hot Dog Buns. Divide dough into two portions. Roll each piece of dough into a strip 1 1/2 inches in diameter. Cut strips of dough into pieces approximately 2 1/2 oz each. Round pieces of dough; roll into pieces approximately 4 1/2 inches long. Place in rows on greased baking sheets 1/2 inch apart.

Parker House Rolls. Divide dough into thirds. Roll dough to 1/3 inch thickness. Cut rounds 2-2 1/2 inches in diameter with a biscuit cutter. Let dough rest a few minutes after cutting. Brush with melted butter or margarine. Crease the rolls across the center with the dull edge of a table knife. Fold over and press down on the folded edge.

Popcorn Rolls. Shape dough into 1 1/2-oz balls. Place on greased baking sheets. Snip top of each ball twice with scissors.

Poppy Seed Rolls. (a) Proceed as for Twists. Substitute poppy seed for sugar and cinnamon. (b) Proceed as for Cinnamon Rolls. Substitute poppy seed for sugar, cinnamon, and raisins.

Ribbon Rolls. Weigh dough into 12-oz pieces. Roll 1/4 inch thick. Spread with melted margarine. Place on top of this a layer of whole wheat dough rolled to the same thickness. Repeat, using the contrasting dough until five layers thick. Cut with a 1 1/2-inch cutter. Place in creased muffin pans with cut surface down.

Rosettes. Follow directions for Bowknots. After tying, bring one end through center and the other over the side.

Sesame Rolls. Proceed as for Twin Rolls. Brush tops with melted margarine and sprinkle with sesame seeds.

Twin Rolls. Weigh dough into 12-oz pieces. Roll 5/8 inch thick. Cut rounds 1 inch in diameter. Brush with melted margarine. Place on end in well-greased muffin pans, allowing two rounds for each roll.

Twists. Weigh dough into 12-oz pieces. Roll 1/3 inch thick, spread with melted margarine, sugar and cinnamon. Cut into strips 1/3 X 8 inches, bring both ends together, and twist dough.

Whole Wheat Rolls. Substitute 2 lb 6 oz whole wheat flour for 2 lb 6 oz of the all-purpose flour. Proceed as for Basic Roll Dough.
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