
Staff member
2 ounces active dry yeast
1 1/2 cups warm water (110°F)
3 cups hot water
3 ounces nonfat dry milk
1 pound granulated sugar
1 pound shortening
1 3/4 ounces salt
1 pound eggs (about 9 total), beaten
5 pounds all-purpose flour (variable) (5 to 6)
Yield: 8 dozen
1. Soften yeast in 110°F water.

2. Combine 3 cups hot water, dry milk, sugar, shortening, and salt in mixer bowl. Mix until shortening is softened, using dough arm. Cool to lukewarm.

3. Add eggs and yeast to mixture in bowl. Blend.

4. Add flour gradually on low speed. Mix on medium speed to a smooth dough, 5-6 minutes. Do not overmix. Dough should be moderately soft.

5. The dough temperature just after mixing should be 78°-82°F.

6. Place dough in lightly greased bowl. Grease top of dough, cover, and let rise in warm place until double in bulk, about 2 hours.

7. Punch down and let rise again, about 1 hour.

8. Punch down and divide into portions for rolls. Let rest for 10 minutes.

9. Scale 2 oz per roll. Shape (see Variations) and let rise until rolls are almost double in bulk, about 45 minutes.

10. Bake at 375°F for 20-25 minutes.

Notes: Mixing may be simplified by combining dry yeast with sugar, salt, dry milk, and 2 lb of the flour. Mix thoroughly. Combine eggs, very warm water (120°F), and melted shortening. Add yeast-flour mixture on low speed. Add remaining flour gradually, mixing until a smooth, elastic dough is formed.

3 cups fluid milk may be used in place of nonfat dry milk and hot water. Scald milk, then add sugar, salt, and shortening, and cool to lukewarm.

For a quicker rising dough, increase yeast to 3 oz.


Cherry Nut Rolls. Add 1 tsp nutmeg, 1/2 tsp almond or lemon extract, 1 lb chopped glacé cherries, and 1 lb chopped pecans to dough. Shape into 1-oz balls. When baked, cover with glaze made of orange juice and powdered sugar.

Cinnamon Twists. Combine 1 lb granulated sugar and 1 Tbsp cinnamon. Melt 4 oz margarine. Dip 2-oz portions of dough into melted margarine, then roll in sugar-cinnamon mixture. Elongate and twist dough portions into 3-inch-long rolls. Place side by side in two 13x18-inch baking pans. Bake at 375°F for 20-25 minutes.

Coffee Cake. Scale 4 lb dough and roll out to size of 18x25x1-inch baking sheet. Cover top of dough with melted margarine or butter and topping. Fruit fillings may be used also.

Crullers. Roll dough 1/3 inch thick. Cut into strips 1/2x8 inches. Bring two ends together and twist dough. Let rise, then fry in deep fat. Ice with Powdered Sugar Glaze or dip in fine granulated sugar.

Danish Pastry. Roll a 5-lb piece of dough into a rectangular shape about 1/4 inch thick. Start at one edge and cover completely 2/3 of the dough with small pieces of hard butter, margarine, or special Danish pastry shortening. The latter is stable at bakeshop temperature and is easier to use than butter or margarine. Use 2-5 oz per lb of dough.
Fold the unbuttered 1/3 portion of dough over an equal portion of buttered dough. Fold the remaining 1/3 buttered dough over the top to make three layers of dough separated by a layer of fat. Roll out dough 1/4 inch thick. This completes the first roll. Repeat folding and rolling two or more times. Do not allow fat to become soft while working with the dough. Let dough rest 45 minutes. Make into desired shapes.

Hot Cross Buns. Add to dough 8 oz chopped glacé cherries, 8 oz raisins, 2 Tbsp cinnamon, 1/4 tsp cloves, and 1/4 tsp nutmeg. Shape into round buns, 1 oz per bun. When baked, make a cross on top with Powdered Sugar Glaze.

Kolaches. Add 2 Tbsp freshly grated lemon peel to dough. Shape dough into 1-oz balls. Place on lightly greased baking sheet. Let rise until light. Press down center to make cavity and fill with 1 tsp filling. Brush with melted margarine or butter and sprinkle with chopped nuts. Suggested fillings: chopped cooked prunes and dried apricots cooked with sugar and cinnamon; poppy seed mixed with sugar and milk; apricot or peach marmalade.

Long Johns. Roll out dough to a thickness of 1/2 inch. Cut dough into rectangular pieces 1/2x4 inches. Let rise until double in bulk. Fry in deep fat.

Swedish Braids. Add to dough 1 lb chopped candied fruit, 8 oz pecans, and 1/2 tsp cardamom seed. Weigh dough into 1 3/4-lb portions and braid. Place on greased 18x26x1-inch baking sheets, four per pan. When baked, brush with Powdered Sugar Glaze made with milk in place of water.
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